The intention of the e2g concept

The energy system and the energy sector are complex sizes, and it is only reserved for a few experts to be able to overview the whole energy area. Most people who work with energy only know their own sub-area, and have only limited knowledge of how their part of the energy system interacts with the rest.

We think it is not good enough. In the fossil-free society, the persons involved in energy must work together and find solutions across sectors.

Another important challenge is that both social science and natural science competencies are needed to describe and understand the energy system. The two science areas communicate in different "languages". Therefore, a communication system that unites the two languages ​​in an equal way must be developed.

The complex contexts of the energy system and the energy sector must be opened up to many more. It requires the development of pedagogical communication systems, where the various target groups for the communication do not have to spend time getting to know many different types of images of energy systems, decision chains, icons, etc.

The role models for the development of a common pedagogical communication system in the field of energy are:

  • Microsoft's Office as well as the Mac products, where users across the different products are met with the same overall structure and the same types of icons. In the e2g community, we agree to make it easy for our users, by using the same structures and the same icons in our different dissemination systems. The various science disciplines must all be able to see themselves in the structure, icons, etc.
  • Google Earth, where you can zoom in and out on a familiar geographical map, and always know where you are. The map also contains the knowledge, information and data that users need. In the e2g dissemination system, there is a map of the technical system (Natural Science) that you can zoom in on, and there is a map of the decision-making system (Social Sciences) that you can also zoom in on. The two maps are connected in the sense that you can choose any place on the technical map, and develop the map of the decisions, and then you can see who and how the decisions are made in this particular area. The decision map also contains the strategic parameters and legislations that govern the area in question. In this map system, all employees who are somehow dealing with energy must be able to zoom in and find themselves and how their decisions affect the overall system
    The Energy-Together community is open to anyone who shares this vision.