Analysis Room

In the physical Analysis Room, the scenario group communicates online with experts who can help them with any questions about how important selected threats and opportunities are to the companies' framework conditions, and who can also help them assess the connections between the various threats and opportunities.

The idea is that the expert groups primarily use the knowledge and models that are on the e2g platform, and that they fill the platform with the knowledge that is important and that is not already there.

If the participants have chosen the ordinaly scenario process, they must find two threats and opportunities that are important to their strategic decisions, the outcome of which they have no influence on, and which are mutually independent.

The experts can also help them assess addictions.

The scenario group now selects the uncertainties that define the scenarios and gives the scenarios names. They then leave the scenario board to the experts who must describe the scenarios. The description can be a continuation of the historical description that shows how the energy system has developed up to now. The description can also tell a story about what the present looks like in 2035, 2040 and 2050.

If the participants have chosen the advanced scenario process, they go home and let the experts assess the connections between the threats and the opportunities on the scenario board.

They then meet later, and are presented with the connections between the various threats and opportunities. At this meeting, the group selects the threats and opportunities that will define their scenarios, and they name the scenarios.

They then leave the scenario board to the experts who must describe the scenarios. The description can be a continuation of the historical description that shows how the energy system has developed up to now. The description can also tell a story about what the present looks like in 2035, 2040 and 2050.

The scenario group proofreads the scenario descriptions and approves them.

The group then appoints an expert group to quantify the scenarios, which means they make forecasts of the most important parameters that determine the future. These forecasts will be different for each scenario.

The scenario group meets and is presented with the forecasts. They can advantageously call in other experts who help assess the forecasts. The scenario group approves the forecasts and selects the experts who will perform system analyzes for each scenario based on the forecasts.

The results of these analyzes are entered into the scenarios.